Simon enjoyed the sun's glitter in the water as he peered through his window

Parable of the men who built his house on the rock and in the sand

Two guys named Abdi and Simon built their respective houses. Abdi built his house upon a rock. It took a long time and were heavy and difficult. Simon built his house on the beach. He was finished with his house first of the two friends. He moved into and enjoyed the sun's glitter in the water as he peered through his window. Simon struggled long to build, but was also completed at last.

The two had lived in their house a few weeks when a storm passed by. The storm ripped and pulled at their house and threw down the house on the beach but could not move the house on the rock.

Jesus told us that the houses resemble two people who believe in God. Abdi with the house on the hill is like a person who believe and obey even if it requires patience and is not always fun. Simon and the house on the sand can be compared to a person who does not obey but follow their emotions and do what he wants to do even though he knows that it is not the best. In the long run all these rules were made for our best so if we trust God we will follow his wishes and he will help us to choose the good.

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Froeb Lori / Moroney Trace


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