Be in my arms

Be in my arms
be in my body
join me in our breath

Let me see you
You who are the world to me
I long crazily
to see the contours of your body
and every part of you

Let your worries go away
leave them for a moment
and just be in love
with me

Hold me really tight
squeeze me hard
not gently
so I can really let all the hurt go
from being apart from you

Let me down on your wonder piece
let all your emotions
free inside of me
to be really wild

Caress every part of me
with slow gentle strokes of wanting more
then give me all your needs
and I will serve you heavely
I have all to give

Cry with me for all the time we´ve lost
the tears will wash away the cost
Kiss me, make me weaker
I will lose all control to you
drowning within you

For all the time we´ve missed
we will catch it up
with wonderful bliss
and closeness Dear
Sharing eternity!


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