Majed El Mohandes Koun Yamak - I love every letter of Your name

I wish I was with You 
a thousands wishes to sleep near You today

I love You 
and I love every letter of your name

I feel that my blood flows with Yours

I wish I was with You 

I wish I'd kiss You 
I wish I'd hold YouI wish I'd smell You 

I wish when I put my head over Your chest, 
that my cheek would wash away Your sadness

My fire doesn't go out 
Neither does yours
And my eyes cry before You cry 

Oh Dear, You who was on my mind every moment
I won't say that you went away 
and how can I be unjust to You

And oh if they mentioned you in front of me

tension would be obvious on my face 
if they mentioned Your name

You're my weak point 
and if I'd love someone else 
I'd still love You 


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