How to put the love back into making love

Dagmar Almqvist - O'connor gives advice on how to find back to sensual love. A connection to another human being where your love deepen and you get to share feelings and intimacy with the same person without getting tired, missunderstod or feeling alone.

Use the code word "touch me now" and focus only on what you feel when you are touched. Crawl naked into bed without phones or watches. Show your hand on top of your sweetheart hand on what areas you want to be touched without talking. Touch all areas except genitals and breasts. These 15 - 45 minutes are meant to give you a better understanding of where it feels good to be touched but should not lead to intercourse or orgasm.

Once you are trained in these intimacy exercises you can move on to masturbate together. Each one of you masturbates on him/her-self. It releases inhibitions and makes no one more active or passive. Both are active and can see his partner enjoy to the fullest. In the beginning it feels probably embarrassing and awkward but after a little practice, it can be amazing.

Next lesson is about to linger in the excitement. You need to learn to take turns to be the donor and recipient. When you regained the fine confidence that is so important in a relationship, it is also much easier to dare to communicate about what requirements you have in bed.

Good luck finding your way to love and preserve your lovemaking for life!


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